What You Can Learn from Twitter’s Decision-Making Framework

Any company in the world faces the fact that it receives many requests from its customers. It is not uncommon for them to leave feedback and make suggestions to improve the quality of the robot. Let’s break down what high-impact decisions Twitter is making to be one of the best companies in the world. First of all, Twitter is not trying to be everything to everyone. For example, if you ask ten employees what Twitter does best, most likely, you will get ten completely different answers to your question. For Twitter, it all starts with a precise definition of the company and how it is qualitatively different.

Twitter is blurring the lines

Let’s start with Twitter’s most “high-profile” case, the election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States. He conducted his election campaign precisely on that social network, and during that time, he attracted more than 10 million new users on Twitter. He was able to get real Twitter followers who were actively interested in politics in general and Trump’s fate in particular.

A second prime example: is the internal NBA (National Basketball Association) league scandal. People went on Twitter to discuss it, actively using the hashtag system. The discussion attracted opinion leaders-known NBA players, which in turn, attracted even more users to the social network. The important point of these examples is that ordinary users could communicate directly with world leaders and brands or watch their discussions and feel involved in something important and global. Any user can get as close as possible and communicate with his or her idol.

Twitter trends

One of Twitter’s greatest strengths is the functionality that allows you to track trends. There are several screenshots in the right corner of the slide, one of which is Trending now. This is a list of current topics at the moment. The Twitter Trend option is customizable – you can change and customize it to your liking. If, for example, you are promoting a business for a particular region, you can set up a trending feed just for that region. Thus, you will always be aware of what is actual for your target audience.

Twitter has an instantly changeable feed

One of the advantages of Twitter, besides trend following, is its newsfeed forming feature. Twitter’s algorithm is similar to Facebook’s, but Twitter displays in its feed, not the most recent news but the most popular and interesting for the period when you haven’t been online. Thus, even a 5-day-old post can pop up as relevant for you today. The key feature of Twitter is the instantly changing feed (the most frequent update of all the social networks). Thus, the “In case you missed it” feature is very useful. If your news is relevant, it will be shown to most users as relevant no matter how many tweets were on the feed after that.

Twitter is brief

On this social network, almost all tweets are very short – 1-2 sentences. This is due to the high speed of the feed: due to instant updates, the user has time to read only short messages from each news item. If you have decided to use Twitter to promote your business, learn to express your idea as precisely and concisely as possible.